Home >產品 >楔形絲篩筒


楔形金屬絲篩筒是由v形金屬絲在篩筒的外表面上徑向延伸或在圓筒的內部軸向延伸製造的。 根據楔形絲和支撐桿的關系,有四個流向,如下所示 (見WWSC-2至WWSC-5)。 楔形線到支撐桿的每個連接點被焊接以增加強度和耐久性。 楔形篩筒可用作水井篩、旋轉篩和噴嘴篩,用於從液體中分離固體。

我們公司擁有一支專業的研發團隊-設計定製的楔形絲網產品並解決您與過濾相關的問題。 當您的要求是特殊的,或者您在市場上找不到您需要的相同產品時,請告訴我們,我們將盡力解決。

Wedge wire screen cylinder with axial internal opening

WWSC-1:帶軸向內開口的 楔形絲篩筒

wedge wire cylinder construction

WWSC-2:楔形 鋼絲圓筒結構

FOTI (從外到內)
Wedge wire radical external opening

WWSC-3:外部開放 激進

Wedge screen cylinder with axial external opening


There are some wedge wire filters on the table, some of them are wrapped by blue plastic film.

WWSC-5:新 定製的楔形線過濾器,從外到內的水。

Seven wedge wire filters are on the table, and they are all wrapped by blue plastic film to protect the surface.

WWSC-6:過濾率 可定製,材料絕對合格,滿足客戶需求。

Fto (從內到外)
Wedge screen with radical internal opening

WWSC-7:內部開放 激進

Wedge wire with axial internal opening


Wedge wire screen cylinder with flange on both ends

WWSC-9:帶法蘭端連接的 楔形絲篩筒

Wedge screen cylinder with racial external opening

WWSC-10:平端 焊接楔形篩筒

Stainless steel wedge wire water well screen with welded ring

WWSC-11:一端帶焊接環的 水井篩網

Wedge wire screen tube made from stainless steel material

WWSC-12:不銹鋼 楔形絲網管

Wedge screen cylinder with flanges

WWSC-13:帶不銹鋼法蘭的 楔形篩網筒

Perforated pipe based wedge wire screen for water well

WWSC-14:基於 管道的水井濾網

Wedge wire screen stainless steel filter nozzle

WWSC-15:楔形 濾網過濾噴嘴

Wedge wire water well screen separating water & sand.

WWSC-16:不銹鋼 楔形絲水井篩管.

Rotary wedge screen cylinder with radical external opening.

WWSC-17:用於液體和固體分離的 旋轉楔形絲篩筒。